Pokemon RPG
Dec 2015

I enjoy playing video games, particularly Pokemon, and have even learned programming. This led me to embark on my first self-project, which was creating a Pokemon RPG. As a novice programmer, I quickly realized that replicating a Pokemon game into a web game was a daunting task.

Consequently, I opted to create a unique challenge for myself, which involved Defeats champion Red with Lv5 pokemon.

However, I ultimately abandoned the project due to insufficient resources and the game's complex battle mechanisms that exceeded my current programming skills.

Poké Guide
Aug 2016

Poké Guide is a website that provided information about Pokemon Go. The project wasbuilt with Vue 1, Gulp and SCSS. The project has since been discontinued and is now outdated.

Dec 2017

Spacecraft is a Socket.io game prototype that allows users to control the game using their mobile phones or other touch-enabled devices. The game was built using sebleedelisle/JSTouchController.

Videojs Plus
Sep 2018

VideoJS Plus is an extension and skin designed for video.js. that was created to provide a layout similar to Youtube and features a responsive design.

The size of the controls adjusts according to the font size of the container, allowing for easy customization for various screen sizes. Additionally, there are several plugins available, such as Playlist, Subtitles / Quality selector, which offer additional useful functionality.


This an unofficial ViuTv desktop application using ElectronJS and Vue2.

Built from SimulatedGREG/electron-vue template. The purpose of this project is for VideoJS Plus testing and learn ElectronJS


This is a simple online version of Big Two, which was built using React and boardgame.io, a turn-based game engine. The project has already been merged into the boardgame project.

Feb 2019

The resume website was built using GatsbyJS, a static site generator for React. One of its most notable features is the gatsby-plugin-image, which provides easy-to-use image optimization capabilities, including blur up, resizing, and responsiveness.

Comic Reader
Mar 2019

An ElectronJS based comic reader. Using Typescript, React, Redux, redux-observable. Data is scrape from https://www.manhuagui.com.


Similar to ViuTv Desktop shown before, but this time mix with Viu OTT and rewrite with Typescript, React, redux-observable, react-spring and some react library


Unoffical Google Tasks Desktop Client. Build with ElectronJS, React, Typescript and googleapis/google-api-nodejs-client.

Board game
Sep 2020

An online board game playground. Including Lobby, Chat. Build with React, NextJS, boardgame.io and NextJS

Oct 2020

A project for learning full-stack development.


Line Bot
May 2021

A functional line-bot, Currently has two main features

  • Werewolf 狼人殺
  • Drawing Board, users could send their sketch to group